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스피킹완성반 아이콘 아이콘 아이콘 아이콘
선생님 에스텔
수강료 249,000원 (0원 적립)
수강기간 365
학습시간 10시간 35
커리큘럼 50
학습방식 콘텐츠 자율 수강방식
상태 수강신청 가능
강좌 스피킹완성반 249,000
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스피킹완성반 과정


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수강 대상

  1. 커리큘럼
  2. 강좌수강평
  3. 질문과답변
  4. 학습 자료실
  5. 공지사항
강좌 회차별 커리큘럼 안내입니다. 강좌의 진행에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 자기소개 - We have a new member today, would you mind telling us about yourself? 18분
2회차 자기소개 - Can you introduce yourself to the group? 16분
3회차 영어면접 - Tell us a little about yourself and why we should hire you. 15분
4회차 영어면접 - Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 14분
5회차 직업 - What do you do? 12분
6회차 직업 - What do you do for a living? 12분
7회차 SNS - Do you have Insta? 14분
8회차 유튜브 - Do you follow anyone on YouTube? 13분
9회차 여가시간 - What do you do in your spare time? 12분
10회차 취미 - Do you have any hobbies? 11분
11회차 반려동물 - Did you have any pets growing up? 13분
12회차 반려동물 - If you could have any pets, what would it be? 12분
13회차 운동 - Do you work out regularly? 12분
14회차 운동 - What type of exercise do you like to do? 12분
15회차 커피 - What is your go-to coffee? 11분
16회차 건강 - How do you stay healthy? 13분
17회차 음식 - Would you consider yourself a foodie? 13분
18회차 맛집 - Do you like trying out new restaurants? 10분
19회차 요리 - Are you a good cook? 13분
20회차 휴일 - What was your favorite holiday growing up? 9분
21회차 집 - Tell me a little about your home. 10분
22회차 쇼핑 - What is your favorite shop? 11분
23회차 TV - What do you usually watch on TV? 12분
24회차 드라마 - Do you watch a lot of dramas? 14분
25회차 영화 - What is your favorite movie genre? 14분
26회차 웹사이트 - Do you have any favorite websites that you visit often? 15분
27회차 스포츠 - Do you follow any sports? 15분
28회차 스마트폰 - Do you prefer Android or Apple phones? 14분
29회차 학교생활 - What do you remember most about school? 12분
30회차 회사생활 - How is work? 12분
31회차 날씨 - How's the weather usually in Korea? 10분
32회차 가구 - What kind of furniture do you have in your room? 12분
33회차 교통 - What transportation do you typically use on a day-to-day basis? 13분
34회차 공원 - Do you go to parks often? 15분
35회차 해변 - Which beach is the best, in your opinion? 15분
36회차 국내여행 - What is the most iconic tourist attraction in Seoul? 11분
37회차 해외여행 - Where is the one place you’ve always wanted to visit in the world? 15분
38회차 재활용 - Are you good about separating your waste from recycling properly? 14분
39회차 악기 - Do you play any musical instruments? 13분
40회차 도서관 - Do you use libraries to study or for pleasure? 13분
41회차 계절 - Where is the best place to experience all four seasons? 10분
42회차 K-pop - Who is the biggest K-pop group in history? 12분
43회차 단기목표 - What are your short-term goals? 9분
44회차 장기목표 - What are your top long-term goals? 12분
45회차 평생목표 - What is your ultimate life-time goal? 12분
46회차 환경 - Do you believe in Global Warming? 10분
47회차 빈부격차 - Have you ever experienced social inequality? 16분
48회차 남북통일 - What would be a positive outcome that would come out of the unification of North and S..... 14분
49회차 4차 산업혁명 - Do you think AI is more beneficial or harmful? 14분
50회차 포스트 코로나 - What do you think life will be like after Corona? 11분

이용약관 개인정보 처리방침

주식회사 에스텔에듀케이션컴퍼니
대표자 : 권소진

주소 : 경기 성남시 분당구 성남대로 30
사업자등록번호 : 208-81-31538
통신판매업 신고번호 : 제 2022-성남분당B-0745 호

전화 고객센터 : 070-4647-2588 월~금 9시~6시 (점심시간12시~1시)
개인정보 담당자 : 이선일
e-MAIL : estellenglish@gmail.com

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